1. Cheese buns: This consists of Remy sticking his cheese pieces to my backside and Chappy jumping up to bite them off while I am cleaning the kitchen. It is similar to "Pin the tail on the donkey" except I am the donkey and my backside is the target. Rebels. I always have to check my pants to make sure that they got it all off, I would hate to be walking around with crusty old cheese stuck to my buns.
2. Ball scrambler: I have joined a women's golf league with my Mother-in-law. I am really excited but haven't golfed in almost 2 years so I bought some golf wiffle balls to practice in the back yard. I have to at least be able to hit the ball when I get to the course. Anyway, since they are wiffle balls I don't worry about hitting Chappy and Remy because they aren't going very fast. I also figure if I aim at them then they won't get hit. Anyways. Those rebels, when I was hitting my balls, I started out with 15 but by the end I only had 2. Why you may ask? because both Remy and Chappy were racing to see who could get the most balls. Chappy would chew them into a small pulp and Remy would run and throw them in the window wells. I had to eventually lock Chappy in the house and wait for Remy's nap so I could get something done.
These games however are not the reason I am not going to be nominated for "mother of the year". That came today. I went to my parents house to visit my sister and her mutual girls. They were having a barbeque outside. Easy enough one might think. Poor little Remster was walking along next to my mom's pond and he tripped in a little crack and fell and smacked his face on the iron fence. I picked him up to console him and noticed that he hit harder than I thought. Yep, he has a black eye. Shaun of course was proud (after his sorrow of course). I mean black eyes really are the ticket to boy-hood.
The next hit to my motherhood medal was when I called Shaun to tell him what had happened. I heard my mom shreiking with horror. I turned around and saw that Remy had found someone's cup and was drinking the pig water. Yes, you read that right, pig water. My mom has pot bellied pigs and they have a nasty, pond-scum covered, fungus-that-ain't-been identified-yet bowl to drink out of. Apparently Remy recognized this as the "watering hole" and chose to participate. Seriously gross. Below is a re-enactment by Shaun and Remy of my Motherhood medal slipping away. The pictures don't do the black-eye justice but you get the idea.
Caveat: No actual punching occurred during the photos, and yes, Remy thought it was hilarious. Must have something to do with being a boy, who knows.