Sunday, May 2, 2010

OOOOH Pwiddy Noodlehead

I know that all kids go through phases where they don't like certain foods. I was expecting this of course and have been waiting with several options for Remy so that he at least get something to eat. Well this week he has decided that if he does not like how something tastes, particularly bananas or spagettio noodles, he just goes ahead and tries to hide them from me. Little does he know, it is pretty obvious when you look at him and his head is covered in bananas and noodles. Of course you do have to hand it to the kid because this also makes it so that he gets a nightly bath which he loves loves loves!! He is so smart.

Another easy food hider is his favorite furry friend Chappy. Remy eats at his little "table" which consists of a drawer pulled out and a cookie sheet on top of it every morning. If he thinks that I am being unreasonable with his breakfast foods, again if bananas are included in any way, they are fed to Chappy. As you can see Chappy is perfectly comfortable with this type of trickery, especially when it involves food. At least some good has come of all of this, their shared devious plotting has brought them closer together. Remy loves to give Chappy hugs and will bend down, mouth wide open for some kisses every time he sees Chappy. I'm not going to say that Chappy loves these hugs but he likes the kisses because he gets to lick whatever crumbs are on Remy's face. It is even getting to the point when I get him out of bed in the morning he won't give me or Shaun a hug or a kiss, but the second he is on the ground he is squatting to give Chappy one. Rebels I tell you, Rebels.

Side note: Whenever I try to get Remy's attention for a picture he sticks out his tongue like this. Whatever floats his boat I guess.
Poor little Remy is also doing some major teething right now. I think the last time I counted he was working on 3 canines and 2 molars. He basically has been crying all day this past week. I feel so bad for him because it must be miserable. Heck I am grumpy when I am too hungry I can't imagine being hungry but my mouth hurting too bad to eat anything. Anyway, I have been taking him out behind the office during our breaks to let him walk around and be outside. He for some reason just loves feeling all of the bushes and picking up natures Easter Eggs (pine cones). He will walk from bush to bush feeling them saying OOOOH Pwiddy. He has been saying this to everything he likes. I say OOOhh Pretty to my jewelry and things that he likes to look at and he has started saying it in full force this week. He really is starting to get a pretty good vocabulary for a 15 month old (at least I like to think so). He can say, Dada, Papa (grandpa), pretty (pwiddy), peee(chappy), Cheese, ok, yeah, cracker (ker), those are the main ones, and no I did not leave out mama, he won't say it the little stinker. I have tried and tried to brain wash the kid but he won't say it. I have even started to try to trick him and say "mama pretty" but he just looks at me and says pwiddy. Stinker. He calls me dada still and when I correct him and say, "I'm mama" he just goes, ya ya and walks away. Oh well, some day he will say it, at least that is what I"m telling myself.

Remy just had his 15 month appointment and here are his statistics
Weight: 23 lbs, 3 oz : 31%
Height: 31.5 inches: 64%
Head: 18 3/4 inches: 64%
All in all he is doing well and with any luck he will say Mama within the next few days (cross my fingers)


Laura W said...

Eeeee hee hee heee! I love his hiding place! What a cute little peanut he is.

Aiden and Josh said...

He is so darling! I'm glad he is etertaining as it makes your life entertaining too! Yeah!

The Sommer Family said...

He is so adorable! I love the stories and I love that he and Chappy are bonding- even if Chappy is getting all of the 'love'. Are you guys up for a BBQ anytime soon?

Anita said...

Sure, you can remember being hungry but your mouth hurting too much to eat anything. Do Dr. Pedersen and his trusty tools ring a bell? =)

beckywestergard said...

Oh I think my mind blocked those memories of braces out!!! But that is very true, or like when I got my wisdom teeth out and could only eat mashed potatoes for like 2 weeks. yuck!!

Shannon Dooley said...

Haha! He is too funny! Not to mention clever & smart!

Anonymous said...

you forgot to include Danni, (Andy)

Anonymous said...

you forgot that he says Danny (andy)