- He loves to help me clean his various toys. First I heard him laughing, content but laughing in the living room. I popped my head around the corner to see what on earth could be so funny. Well as one would imagine nothing would be funnier to a baby than to have his binky in his mouth, hold it out for Chappy our dog to lick it and than put it back in his mouth over and over.
- He loves to help me keep the floor clean. Yesterday morning I got him out of bed and set him down in the living room for a second while I made his bottle. When I went into the living room, not 2 minutes later I pick Remy up and he had found all of the lint that he could on the floor and put it all in his mouth!!! He opened his mouth and it was full of a giant, wet slobbery ball of lint which I had to get out of there.
- He loves to help me find things that have become lost in my closet. I stepped into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I hear his excited "EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" sound with his arms flapping at full force. Something he saves for his greatest excitement. He had found a feminine product (unopened of course) and a tv cable to play with.
- He loves to help me clean up after Chappy. At lunch today we ran home to let Chappy out to go to the bathroom. I set Remy down, let Chappy out into the backyard and came back to find Remy. Chappy had gotten sick and threw up on the carpet while we were gone and Remy was so thoughtful as to try to pick it up for me. It was sooo gross, he was covered in Chappy barf. I almost lost it too, luckily for me I have a lot of experience with body fluids so I made it to get him into the sink to pretty much dunk him in a soapy tub of water.
What a lucky mom I am to have such a helpful boy. Below is a picture of him getting ready to do the happy "EEEEEE!!!" sound.
I heard about that barf thing. that was gross poor boy. But at least he is bonding with you puppy
It sounds like with Remy's help you should have the house clean and fab in no time!
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