Sunday, June 6, 2010

Remy's TTF&F

The past few weeks have been very busy for me. I know that every mother has moments of craziness in their lives, these past few weeks have definitely been for me. I just seem to be running every minute. I go to work, take care of the Remster, go to golf league, try to clean (try being the key word there). And than this week Shaun and my Dad are gone hunting for an entire week, leaving Remy and I to our own devices. Needless to say, all of this stress has added up and yesterday it finally hit me like a ton of bricks. Remy woke up around 7:30 and I was so tired and did not want to get out of bed. I got up, fed him and than layed down on the couch while he was running around playing for a while. I just needed a few minutes to "rest my eyes" yeah, that was the plan. Anyway I wound up slipping in and out of consciousness pretty much all morning until 12:00 noon. I would hear Remy running around, Chappy following close at his side eating any scraps that may have happened to bounce off of Remy. Remy must have sensed my coma like state. He would come by every now and than and pull a goldfish cracker out of his mouth and try to put it into mine. A couple of times it startled me so bad that I jumped and it scared Remy so he would start crying and I would pick him up and cuddle him for a moment than he was on his way again.

Remy did however put himself to good use while I was in my coma. He pulled all of the Tupperware out of the cupboard that he felt needed to be washed. He removed the stick out of the door hinge. I don't know how he figured that one out but I woke up and he was covered in grease and carrying it around. naughty. He loves going up and down the stairs which is how he created the "Remy TTF&F." Otherwise known as the Remy toy testing facility and fort. This basically consists of him testing the strength of all toys, Tupperware, a golf club, anything basically that he could drag and throw down the stairs. He than went down to the bottom of the stairs and was playing with all of those things. I know what you are thinking, how did I not hear him throwing his dump truck, or a golf club down the stairs. I did wake up a little bit, but as long as he was still standing and not crying I figured, whatever. (it's those good mother of the year skills I've been working on)

He also has become quite the little climber lately. He loves to get up on the couch and as seen below and wedges his little feet in the cracks and turns on and off the lights. He is so proud of himself for being big enough to do it.


Shannon Dooley said...

I am so glad I am not the only one who has done this! You do get so exhausted that as long as the little squirts are not crying or bleeding, then who cares what kind of mess your house ends up in as long as your eyes don't have to open much wider than a squint. Thanks for the letting me know that I have some mother of the year competition as you put it. :) You're so cute. With your Dad being gone with hubby, I'll be seeing you Wed! Hopefully your darling mischevious little man too!! Xo.

Amanda said...

Gotta love ABC goldfish!!! He is such a cutie! he looks so old!

Laura W said...

This made me laugh so hard. I love your blog. You have officially reached a rite of passage of motherhood with the couch-zonking. :) An occasional necessity of motherhood, I say! Oh dear, the messes they can make ... and how are they so cute doing it?? Stinkers.

Anonymous said...

what a cute boy