Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hooray for Summer!!!

Summer has finally decided to show itself just in time for July. We have been enjoying what we can of the weather. We went to Peterson park for a neighborhood play group. Remy really loved playing in and of course eating the rocks, and bumming Cheerios and chips from the other mothers. I am such a rookie, I totally forgot a hat, sunblock, blankets to sit on, and snacks. I did bring him water though. :-) He also loved me sliding him down the slide. Later on in the day we blew up Remy's little pool and let it sit in the sun to warm up. He really liked his pool. He wouldn't sit down in it but he liked to stand in it and splash the water. He also thought it was hilarious that Chappy kept coming up for a drink out of the pool. Remy would grab his little plastic shovel and try to get Chappy to lick out of it.
It was also jolly good fun to bounce on the side of the pool and let the water drain out. It is like a trampoline really. The only trouble with kids and pools is that they get used to all of this freedom. Not having to wear a shirt, not having to wear a diaper. Well, quite frankly Remy also felt as though this freedom should include not having to wear his swim trunks. I spent a lot of my time trying to keep his little pants pulled up; however, I spent a lot of my day looking at Remy's little crack. It is a cute little bum though.

We have been doing so much that it has been hard to write in our blog. Shaun and my Dad recently got back from New Zealand, where they were hunting. Shaun also went bungee jumping, much to my disapproval. He jumped off a cable car for a 450 foot free fall drop for 8 1/2 seconds. I didn't realize that bungee jumping was started in New Zealand and the place he jumped from is one of the 4 highest in the world. It is called Nevis, I watched a YouTube video of it and it just about did me in.


Leslie and Tyson said...

Becky! He is seriously the cutest little boy! I just laugh every time I read your blog, he is so much fun!

Shannon Dooley said...

I don't know if it's new or if i've just never noticed the picture of Chappy in the tree b4but that is hillarious! What dog does that?! I love it! Cute post. What is it that is so adorable about little butt cracks? They sure lose their appeal as they get older but this age they are just precious!

Aiden and Josh said...

Yeah for summer! It looks like you are having so much fun! Keep the posts coming!!