Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Did I mention curly hair?
This post is dedicated to another milestone that I have been really dreading for a few months now. Remy is getting quite long hair and needs his first hair cut. I haven't wanted to cut his hair until he had enough for me to save in his little book but it is definately getting time. I even had a dream the other night that he had a long flowing mullet before I even knew it and was so embarrassed. Not that there is anything wrong with a mullet if you prefer that hair do. ;-) He is going to get his first hair cut this week so that his daddy and grandpa will stop harassing me that he looks like a girl.
I am also very excited about Christmas this year because I have a baby. He is almost a year old and has already enjoyed opening the presents under the tree so when he has free reign and not a Mommy running after him I think he will love it.
Today the sweetest thing happened. Remy is quite the little cuddle bug and just has really become quite the little loverboy. I had to teach the lesson in Relief Society and my Sister-in-law was so nice as to watch Remy for me while I was teaching. Once I was done I went and sat down with them and he was so excited to see me he almost jumped into my lap and gave me a big hug and planted a big slobbery kiss right on my lips. I just loved every second of it!!! He is such a sweet boy and loves to give kisses and hugs. He really loves to give his Daddy kisses but I don't get as many as he does. He really is a big Daddy's boy as well. Whenever he sees Shaun or hears his voice he lets out this excited scream. He even starts saying dadadadada when we pull into the garage after work because he knows we are going to go inside and see Daddy. My boy is just getting so big.
Well, that was definately a random blog but I wanted to make sure to get down those cute stories before I forget them.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
the latest going-ons
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Ladies weekends!!!!
Remy's digs
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Jealousy and Genetics
No your eyes don't deceive you, Chappy has really started enjoy sucking on a binky. Gross I know!! I am constantly washing binkys. I don't know if it is jealousy, or Chappy notices when Remy cries I give him his binky but he has become a binky stealer. He will follow Remy around waiting for the second that binky hits the ground to grab it. He doesn't chew on it or anything like that, just makes sure that he gets it in his mouth right and than sits down to enjoy his splendor. Even with this little snag, I am happy to say that Remy and Chappy have recently been playing better together. Chappy is still unsure about Remy but overall they seem to be working things out. Remy likes to crawl after Chappy, then Chappy will follow him around.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What a helpful boy!!!
- He loves to help me clean his various toys. First I heard him laughing, content but laughing in the living room. I popped my head around the corner to see what on earth could be so funny. Well as one would imagine nothing would be funnier to a baby than to have his binky in his mouth, hold it out for Chappy our dog to lick it and than put it back in his mouth over and over.
- He loves to help me keep the floor clean. Yesterday morning I got him out of bed and set him down in the living room for a second while I made his bottle. When I went into the living room, not 2 minutes later I pick Remy up and he had found all of the lint that he could on the floor and put it all in his mouth!!! He opened his mouth and it was full of a giant, wet slobbery ball of lint which I had to get out of there.
- He loves to help me find things that have become lost in my closet. I stepped into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I hear his excited "EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" sound with his arms flapping at full force. Something he saves for his greatest excitement. He had found a feminine product (unopened of course) and a tv cable to play with.
- He loves to help me clean up after Chappy. At lunch today we ran home to let Chappy out to go to the bathroom. I set Remy down, let Chappy out into the backyard and came back to find Remy. Chappy had gotten sick and threw up on the carpet while we were gone and Remy was so thoughtful as to try to pick it up for me. It was sooo gross, he was covered in Chappy barf. I almost lost it too, luckily for me I have a lot of experience with body fluids so I made it to get him into the sink to pretty much dunk him in a soapy tub of water.
What a lucky mom I am to have such a helpful boy. Below is a picture of him getting ready to do the happy "EEEEEE!!!" sound.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The peg-leg pirate
but it was funny.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Due to popular demand...(yes you Nansoh)
We went to my parents house and had a fun party with theme food. We had green and black cornbread with red honeybutter, graveyard cake, spooky eclairs and orange chicken and broccoli with cheese sauce. It was delicious!!!
The next day little Remster started to crawl. I don't have a picture of that rebel actually crawling, he becomes suddenly camera shy when he is crawling. But this is his "I'm going to get into something naughty" look.
This new crawling of course makes it hard to take Remy to work. He has really been giving the front office ladies a run for their money. Luckily Remy has some wonderful Grandmas and Aunts who love to watch him so that helps out. Hopefully I can find someone to watch him for me while I am at work, I would prefer not to put him in daycare if I can avoid it but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.
The last area of excitement for the week is poor little Chappy. He was getting a little ripe (stinky) and his nails were incredibly long so I took him to the dog wash to get all cleaned up. While I was buying him dog food the little groomer chased me down while holding Chappy like a little baby. She was really sad and was almost crying because she had been trying to "shed" him out and she accidently gave him brush burn. He has been really sad and sick all day so I had to take him to the vet to get some antibiotics. Hopefully he will get feeling better soon.