Sunday, January 24, 2010

the good, the bad, and the stinky

All week many of us work and look forward to a nice relaxing weekend. We struggle through those last few hours on a Friday and eventually BAM!!! You are as good as relaxing. Our weekend started out well. We both finished work, went to Texas Roadhouse and than returned home to play "Rockband 2" and the Beatles edition. My sisters and brother-in-law came over to join in the fun and we had a blast rocking out. Seriously I have to admit that I never thought I would like the game Rockband but it is totally awesome. I have played the piano since I was about 5 but as for actual "rock band" type instruments I haven't ever played them. I do like being the drummer the best. I'm not awesome although I think I am when I am playing on the easy setting. I also enjoy the singing, I'm not sure the other people in the room do but it could be worse we could actually be in public. We played until around midnight when my sisters and bro-in-law went home.

We got into bed and I went to check on Remy. He was kind of moaning and crawling around with his eyes closed so I layed him back down and got in bed. We heard him moaning again so Shaun went to check on him. I don't know what it is about Shaun checking on Remy but for some reason he causes this strange explosive body fluid reflex on the poor kid when he is sick. Remy barfed all over Shaun and the carpet, his bed. Yeah. It was bad. So Shaun bathed him and got him into some new jammies while I changed the bed. Seriously, those baby crib mattresses are like wrestling a full-size SpongeBob Square Pants. But poor Remy was up barfing every 20-30 minutes all night, with diarrhea explosions mixed in. i just stayed on the couch with him and held him so he could sleep between barfings.

Than I have been sick all day with the same thing. I hate having the gastroenteritis type of sickness. I seriously feel like death warmed over but I think i am slowly getting my energy back.

The best thing happened though. My parents just got back from vacation and they came over to see Remy. He has been standing on his own for a few seconds at a time and clapping because he is so proud of himself. They were very excited to see this. He of course being the little show-off that he is took his first steps!!!! It was so exciting. He took one step first and fell. Than he walked like 4 steps to me and kept taking about 4 steps to everyone else. So awesome. Of course I know that this means he will be a naughty reaching everything and running in a few days but it is so fun to see their progress.


Anonymous said...

That was so cute, I have never seen a baby's first like that until last night. Eating solid food and hair cut don't count because the parent’s kind of decide when the time is right for that, but walking is almost totally them. I just hope I'm there when he first learns to say Uncle Nansoh is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

beckywestergard said...

Well, I would like to be there to see that too. That would be quite spectacular to hear him say that. it was awesome that you guys got to see his first steps. It was so sweet.

Shawna said...

way to go Remy! that is cool you had family there for the guys first steps. And as for the "stinky" just wait for his future milestones, like potty training. Hopefully that milestone won't be a family affair.