I ran out of checks the other day. I don't use them very often but often enough that I needed to order some more. So I went to my bank. First, I tried the drive through but they said that I needed to come in to order checks. It was my day off so I wasn't really dressed up at all but I at least was dressed in Levis and not those mommy sweats with stains and such. I told the young man who was helping me that I just wanted the free basic checks. Easy enough, I went on my way and forgot all about the situation until today when my checks had arrived at my home. When I opened them at first I was wondering where the heck Ed Mcmahon was hiding or maybe that I had won a golf tournament. Seriously these checks are huge!!!! And the writing is really big, the lines are super big, black, and embossed. Seriously Brail would have been less obvious. They were like checks for a 95 year old person. I seriously laughed for about 5 minutes and then the sad truth sank in.... I must have looked like an older person who needed a bigger check to write on and the embossed lines to find the place to write. Apparently this young man thought that I can't see well enough to dress myself, or see how I look, so how am I supposed to see the check? Below is a picture of my new checks and I have also placed a regular check right below it for perspective. So what is the verdict?? Should I audition?
On the lighter side of things my two neices Whit and Ash are having their birthdays this week and got a cute little Shitzu puppy for their birthday. I decided for their birthday present I would make a doggy blanket for their new puppy. Isn't it so funny. I felt a little guilty cutting the stuffed dog in half in order to sew it into the blanket but I think it turned out so adorable. It's a "dog blanket" hahaha I have been laughing about it ever since I started sewing it.
You're old. Embrace it and forgettaboutit. :)
I'm going to say that they sent you the wrong checks by mistake and that you don't look old AT ALL! That's just crazy talk. Cute blanket though! :)
Beck don't listen to those yahoos, it is more likely because you looked so young and hip coming in with your Bling Genes that you got the checks you did. Don’t believe me? Well let me explain; that banker probably thought since you looked so fresh and young, he would give you the checks of tomorrow ‘today!’ You know how car dealers offer brand new cars, like the Ford (whatever) 2015, while the year is 2009? Well checks are pretty much done the same way. ‘Small’ may be hip with cell phones, but I can defiantly predict that ‘Big’ will be the 'In' with checks. You’ll see, by 2012 all the hipsters will have big checkbooks.
I mean to say definitely and not defiantly, sometimes my spell-check misunderstands what I'm trying to say.
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