Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A small confession...

The past few months I have decided that it was high time I start reading for fun again. During school I didn't really have time, nor the desire after reading all day about thrilling topics like prostate cancer. But I have made it a goal though to try to read at least 1 book a month. I joined my neighborhood book club which has lead to me to this confession. Before I get to that I will give you some more background. I know it is just keeping you on the edge of your seats :-). I have always enjoyed books with a lot of action. Some of my favorites have been Angels and Demons, serial killer type books. I recently have entered into the world of "young adult fiction". It all started with one of my new favs, "hunger games" of course if any of you have read it, you have to read the sequel. They were wonderfully exciting, a little bit of romance (not to much) and were all around just enjoyable and easy to read. I love a good series because you can continue to follow a character so I started into the "uglies". It was also good and I loved to read it but once I was done with those 4 books I found myself looking for another good book.

Our book club has been reading all types of books, mainly from the New York Times best seller list. Some I like, some are ok but I really find myself gravitating to new exciting series. The girls in my book club suggested the "Twilight" series. I don't know why but I have been telling myself for months that I refuse to read those books. (mostly out of fear that I would actually like them and be mocked mercilessly by my family). Liz, my friend from book club, has all of the Twilight books and said that it was mandatory for me to read them to remain a member of said club. On Sunday I begrudgingly agreed. Really she left me no choice as Book Club is tonight and I don't want to be left standing on the doorstep. (maybe that is a slight dramatization)

So here it is: I, Becky Westergard, do in fact love the Twilight series. Yes I know I am fully eating my own words, and those of you who have read the series are saying, duhhh!! of course you love it. I wouldn't say that I am a "Twi-hard" because I haven't resulted to buying Robert Pattinson posters or t-shirts, nor have I started to dress like a vampire. Now I also do have to say that I have only finished Twilight and have started New Moon today. I liked it so much in fact that I read Twilight in two days. I was trying to pace myself but I did become mesmerized by Edward and could not stop. So there it is, I am a Twilight fan and will also admit that I am excited to watch the movies. I can't say that Shaun is nearly as excited about the movies as I am but he will just have to get over it.


Unknown said...

Ha ha I love it! I have to admit, I haven't ever read them. And not because I don't want to, I just haven't. I've been working on "The Work and the Glory" series for years now and I'm just barely getting finished with those. Maybe I should start "Twilight" next!

beckywestergard said...

I would definately recommend it. It is addictive though, I must warn you :-)

Ashleey Rayback said...

Dude. This is not cool. Seriously. I'll forgive you for the first one, because it is the best one, but if you're still obsessed by the fourth one we're going to have to reevaluate our relationship. There are better YA fic books out there! Don't do it! Don't give in!

Shannon Dooley said...

I wish I would have read this sooner, I would have brought you the movie to borrow today. Like most movies though, it doesn't live up to the book. & don't let Shaun give you a hard time. My husband did at first but eventually ended up reading the entire series in just over a week. He'll be wearing Edward panties before you know it. ;)

Amanda said...

I'm glad I am not the only one who just started reading these books for the first time!